The Vlaamse Verkeercentrum published on Monday a comparison between 2019 and 2020 regarding the traffic jams on Flemish highways.
This is slightly different from the pattern observed in Brussels some weeks ago with the TomTom traffic index.
Indeed here, the curve for 2020 remains below 2019 as after the holiday period.
For last weeks, the trends are both the same of course with homeworking back as the norm.
Other mobility news:
📍 Georges Gilkinet will present his policy letter on November the 24th.
What to expect?
- A support for the train with an increased train supply
- A policy of "chosen mobility" rather than car first
- Rather driving courses than fines
- Something regarding an update on the mobility budget? 🤫
📍Volkswagen AG announced an investment of 73 billion euros in electrification before 2025
📍Bolt targets 50 new cities from which Brussels