"Drivers check your rearview mirrors: More and more cyclists are taking to the roads, and they’re not going away anytime soon." That is the way the last chapter of the "Technology, Media, and Telecommunications Predictions 2020" from Deloitte starts. The growing use of bicycles is one of the 10 predictions mentioned in this report. (source: https://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/insights/us/articles/722835_tmt-predictions-2020/DI_TMT-Prediction-2020.pdf) To summarize: 📌 Deloitte predicts that bicycle usage in cities will double by 2022, one the main reason being "moving all these people around may strain capacity on existing transport option" 📌 The #bike electrification boost cycling's growth: "My other car is an #ebike" 📌 Innovations (and freshly-built cycling infrastructure) will make bicycling safer, faster and even more convenient. 1. More and more innovations in the "bike-tech" focus on safety and visibility (helmets, airbags, indicator lights, etc.) 2. Technology will improve the cycling experience and show when #bicycling is the smart choice. It shows when a bicycle is faster, make you burn calories or save CO2 emissions. 3. It helps to redesign cities to be more bike-friendly (see one of my previous post on the topic) 📌 #Bikesharing plays a role as well, to provide bikes to riders where they are.
