That was my answer to the question:
"If you had to explain your dream vision when it comes to the mobility of 2030, what would it be?"
What is yours?
This week, I read some articles going in the same direction:
📌 Marina Laurent interviewed Stéphane Sertang the CEO of the Ginion Group (BMW, Mini, Volvo, Ferrari, Rolls-Royce, McLaren, Pininfarina) for L'Echo.
They talked about the future of the automotive sector.
"A real revolution for the business model
where the future of the market will be shared between enthusiasts
and others who will be looking for the best solutions in terms of mobility
and for whom owning their own car will be seen as a heresy.
Stéphane Sertang mentionned as wel that
"It is not the fuel issue that will upset the sector,
but the arrival of the autonomous and shared vehicles
that will enable the real revolution.
And much faster than you can imagine."
📌 In a report based on a survey from the University of Amsterdam,
Ori Rubin and his colleagues raised the question: "Do you miss commuting?"
See the results in the chart below.

Most of the people commuting by bike or walking miss commuting.
They converted their commute to something else, time spent for something they appreciate.