You can find plenty of articles related to this topic. Transport & Environment (T&E) published a comparison tool to compare both in a specific case. This lifecycle analysis (#LCAA) takes into account the car size, the battery production country and the electricity mix in the country where the car is used.

One element is not included: the recycling cost and impact of batteries (because still unknown and unclear)
This tool will be useful when considering fleet electrification to measure the impact considering the car size (the difference in electric consumption of BEV varies by up to 100%).
#FleetMamangement and more specifically #electrification is a key topic in #MobilityManagement which needs to be considered behind others using the rule:
1. Reduce #commuting
2. #Commute using soft mobility (#bikee, #PublicTransport, #Carpooling).
3. Electrify your commute
Thanks Lucien Mathieu for this.
